Prepare Financial Documents
The first step in any home buying process is getting the documents together to share with lenders your financial profile
What Do Lenders Look for When Reviewing a Mortgage Application?
Lenders assess mortgage applicants based on their ability to repay the loan. They evaluate several key factors, commonly known as the "Five Cs of Credit":
Credit Score & History - Lenders review your credit report for payment history, outstanding debts, and any derogatory marks (late payments, bankruptcies, foreclosures).
Income & Financial Stability - Lenders are looking for what money you have coming in to be able to make the monthly mortgage payment with.
Debt-to-Income (DTI) Ratio - Your DTI ratio (total monthly debts ÷ gross monthly income) shows how much of your income is already committed. Most lenders prefer a DTI of 36% or lower, though some loans allow up to 43%-50%.
Cash Reserves & Assets - Shows lenders you have a financial cushion(includes things such as savings, investments, retirement accounts)
Condition of Property & Value - The home itself is collateral for the loan, so lenders assess its appraised value, location, and condition.
Essential Documents for Mortgage Qualification
To streamline the application process, have these documents ready:
1. Proof of Income
2. Credit & Debt Documentation
3. Proof of Assets & Down Payment
4. Identification & Legal Documents
5. Property-Related Documents (After You've Found a Home)
Applying with a Co-Borrow or Co-Signer
If your financial profile alone isn't strong enough to qualify for a mortgage, you can apply with a co-borrower or co-signer to improve your chances ( read about Co-Borrower & Co-Signer). The Co-Borrower route is generally the route to go when considering to start a Tadaima home with a close friend. The Co-SIgner route is if you're looking to qualify still on your own, but need help qualify from someone who trusts you (usually a family member). Either way, these individuals will also need to be involved in the process and will be asked to prepare the above documents too.
Last updated