When You Can't Buy -> Co-own
When buying doesn’t make sense, there’s now a new option to get started, and get on the property ladder today.
How appealing was the proposition laid out in the last section to never move again? Possibly appealing to some, but let’s be real, if you’ve made it this far, then you’re probably not in that camp. 5 years at a MINIMUM is a long time to commit yourself to one place. And to make that decision in the face of the unknown of what could happen in those succeeding years is a gamble, and possibly reckless to some. Alternatively you may already know that’s not feasible for you to begin with. You may be a 4 year college student, working a contract job for a 2-3 year period, taking a year off for a change of pace, or going back to school for an advanced degree. There’s numerous permutations in which locking yourself in somewhere for five years just to break even doesn’t make sense. So we’ve reached a problem. One in which a lot of people are left off the property ladder. A reality where the only alternatives are losing money and renting, and neither of those are all that appealing. And we here at Tadaima find this reality to be one worth challenging.
As a company we’ve set out to challenge how the real estate system works today to bring the FIVE year minimum down to ONE year. That if someone is ready to build equity and willing to take on the responsibility that is home ownership, that there now is the option to do that. We call it Sequential Co-ownership. But this doesn’t mean it’s any less involved than traditional home ownership, and in some ways it will likely be more involving. It doesn’t simply equate to “rent plus equity” either. It will most likely have to stand in a class of its own. But it will allow the autonomy to do what you want and to truly make a space your own like with owning, it will set you up on the path of building equity and one day owning your home, and lastly it won’t tie you down and that if you need to move you can without jeopardizing your financial future. It will be an option to bridge the gap between renting and owning. This is what we’ve built as a company over the past couple of years and we hope you continue reading through to the next chapters to learn more about it and how it works.
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